
Zoom Voting Procedure

Music Commission Voting by Zoom

In that this is the first meeting of a newly-appointed Music Commission and the first ever Music Commission meeting by Zoom, rules of order for voting are being modified to accommodate the online forum.

General Considerations

As per direction of the Attorney General’s Office and as a general rule for all online meetings, commissioners must identify themselves each time they speak during an online meeting by saying: “This is commissioner {last name}” followed by what it is you wish to say.

Only Governor-appointed commissioners may vote during commission meetings.

According to the commission’s bylaws, commissioners may vote only when a quorum of commissioners is formed. Quorum is formed when seven (7) or more commissioners are present.

Items requiring a vote are identified as ACTION items in the agenda.

Modified Parliamentary Procedure for online voting

1. Invitation. Chair Medina: “Do I hear a motion to _____?”

2. Motion. A commissioner wishing to make a motion will say: “This is commissioner {last name}. I move to _____.”

3. Second. Another commissioner wishing to second the motion will say: “This is commissioner {last name}. I second the motion.”

4. Confirmation. Chair Medina: “It is moved and seconded that the Music Commission _____.”

5. Discussion. Chair Medina: “Is there any discussion?”

  • In the event commissioners wish to discuss. Any commissioner wishing to discuss will say: “This is commissioner {last name}” and then state your concerns, suggestions, etc. To end discussion, Medina will ask: “Are you ready for the question?” If commissioner(s) wish to continue discussion, they may do so at this time. Chair Medina will pause for a few seconds to verify that no commissioner intends to speak further and will proceed with the vote.
  • In the event commissioners do not wish to discuss. Chair Medina will pause for a few seconds to verify that no commissioner intends to speak and will ask: “Are you ready for the question?”

6. Vote. Chair Medina: “The question is on the adoption of the motion that _____. When your name is called, those in favor say ‘Yea’, those opposed say ‘Nay’, those abstaining say ‘Abstain’.” Secretary Ponce will call each commissioner’s name. When called, each commissioner will say: “This is Commissioner {last name} voting yea/nay/abstain.”

7. Closure. Chair Medina: “The ayes have it, the motion carries, and _____ is approved” (indicating the effect of the vote, such as ‘the agenda is approved’) or “The nays have it and the motion fails.”