
Executive Committee

State of New Mexico
Music Commission

Executive Committee


Article VII of the New Mexico Music Commission’s bylaws and rules of procedure, as provided by 2011 NMSA 1978 18-16-1 through 18-16-4 The Music Commission Act, dictates the formation of an executive committee. The bylaws state:

The Commission shall have an Executive Committee consisting of five Commissioners, whose members shall be assigned by the Chair for a term of one year.

  1. If any assigned member of the Executive Committee is unable to attend a meeting of that committee, the Commission Chair may appoint another Commissioner to serve for that meeting.
  2. The Commission Chair shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee.
  3. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the Chair with fourteen (14) days written notice of the meeting to all Executive Committee members and to all Commissioners.
  4. The Executive Committee shall regularly exercise responsibility for budget oversight, long-range planning, and initial review of all applications for funding and shall make recommendations in these areas to the Commission and the Executive Director.
  5. Minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee shall be distributed to all Commissioners prior to the next Commission meeting.


As per the bylaws, the Executive Committee shall regularly exercise responsibility for:

  • budget oversight
  • long-range planning
  • initial review of all applications for funding
  • recommendations in these areas to the Commission and the Executive Director.

In addition to the above duties outlined in the commission’s bylaws, the executive committee shall regularly exercise responsibility for:

  • Committee Oversight : Serve on 1 ad interim committee in addition to the executive committee; Govern and oversee ad interim committees, which includes the authority to attend meetings of any ad interim committee for which they are not a member.
  • Networking : Represent the music commission in meetings and negotiations with New Mexico Arts (NMA), the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), DCA’s General Counsel, the Attorney General’s Office, other state agencies, boards, and commissions, and/or private sector organizations including the Music Commission Foundation, as requested.
  • Reporting : Deliver Executive Summary committee reports.
  • Other Duties : Other duties that may arise throughout the course of Commission business and/or may be requested by the Chair.


Officer Responsibilities

Meeting Agendas


Meeting Notes


Key Documents
